Friday, June 1, 2012

She Just Wants Some Chocolate Milk

I wish you could all meet my son-in-law, Rob.  He's a crack up and I totally love him!  You just have to chuckle at some of the things he does.  Like this . . .

Rob taught our three year old granddaughter, Cambria, that when there isn't very much milk left in the jug then you can pour in a little chocolate syrup, shake it up, and viola!  You have chocolate milk!  Makes sense, right?!?!?

This morning my daughter sent me this picture to show me that Cambria decided to try out her Dad's awesome recipe . . .

So . . . instead of pouring the chocolate syrup into the gallon of milk, she tried to pour the milk into the bottle of chocolate syrup!  LOL!  She totally cracks me up!  I love the look on her face in this picture!  Too funny!!!  :o)
